Out Of The Mouths of Babes…

Inspired by the the Art Linkletter book published in 1957 (“Kids Say the Darndest Things”) – with drawings by some new cartoonist named Charles Schulz – I offer the following:

After a year in kindergarten – which had half-day sessions – Samantha came home from her first day as a first-grader, bemoaning the fact that she had to attend school all day long.  She capped her whining with the logical question, “DON’T THEY KNOW WE’RE JUST LITTLE KIDS?”


Bob and Wendy’s grand-daughter, Madison, was
swimming in the pool in the pre-summer, when the
water is what might charitably be called “chilly.”
Wendy asked Maddie, “Aren’t you cold?” to which she
replied, “For adults, it’s too cold, but for kids … it’s
just fun!”

We have the pleasure of Chase staying overnight with us often.  One morning, as I was reading the newspaper, Chase crawled into my lap and, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, asked, “Papa – you go to sleep after me and wake up before me.  Do you have fast dreams?”


Chase came over once when I wasn’t feeling well.  As I laid on the couch, I told him, “Papa isn’t feeling ‘top-drawer,’ Sweetie.”  He paused, then asked, “Are you feeling ‘middle-drawer?’ ”


In preparing for my play, my 8-year old nephew – who is an excellent reader and has been in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF at the tender age of 6 – offered to help me with my lines. He was an excellent coach and kept me to the script. Later that day, he offered to read with me again and when we sat down, he looked at me and said, “Now Papa – do you remember our notes from last time?”